Sylph Winnower

The Sylph winnower is the  product of eight years observation, four years prototype work, thousands of pounds of cracked and winnowed test beans, and not a small amount of alchemical inspiration.

 It is powder coated aluminum (the frame) and food grade PVC (the air flow/bean/nib path).  It is a hand fed winnower that requires a cracker (a Champion Juicer is recommend and not supplied) and  the use of a Shop Vac of some ilk.  It was designed around a Shop-Vac brand wet/dry  but others (with a 1.25" vacuum hose) may well work as the Sylph has a vacuum flow controller built in.  It will winnow about 1 lb/min of ROASTED** cocoa beans. 

 The Sylph is quite simple to use, but does rely on the user's technique a little.   Roasted beans need to be cracked before you can use the Sylph.  I recommend the Champion Juicer, with the lower screen removed. The Sylph has a 1 1/4" fitting that accepts 1 1/4" a standard small vacuum hose.  It is not permanently attached should you decide you want to try other fittings or hoses.  

There is also a vacuum control valve that allows you to fine tune the suction of your vacuum. You will introduce your cracked bean mixture into the feed tube in a steady stream (you don't just dump it in and walk away).  The nibs hit a small deflector that slows their momentum and allows efficient separation in the air stream.  There is also a valve (the discriminator) that allows you to fine tune the air flows to better separate husk from nib.  Once separated, the nibs fall out of the lower opening (into a bowl or tray you provide) and the husk is drawn up and over, into a 5 gallon bucket, in classic vortex/dust collector fashion, resulting in very little dust in your vacuum.  

**Note:  The Sylph will winnow raw nibs, but depending upon the moisture content and preparation of the bean, the degree of separation may drop significantly.  Sometimes a 2nd pass of nibs is required.  Generally I find if raw nibs are produced the final product needs to be sieved through a 1/4" mesh.